Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Raya Posisi Senior Software Engineer
Selamat siang, bagi kalian yang sedang mencari pekerjaan baru, memiliki informasi lowongan kerja yang mungkin sesuai dengan minat dan bakat kalian. Sedang mencari pekerjaan dengan penempatan di Jakarta Raya dan sekitarnya? Kami menyediakan informasi lowongan pekerjaan dari berbagai perusahaan, agensi, lembaga, serta instansi terpercaya. Kami menyarankan Anda untuk mencari berdasarkan posisi yang dibutuhkan untuk memudahkan pencarian.
Sebelum mengajukan aplikasi atau lamaran kerja di lokerhariini.web.id, ada beberapa hal yang perlu Anda perhatikan sebagai pelamar kerja:
1. Baca baik-baik kriteria lowongan kerja. Informasi lowongan kerja yang tertera di website kami berasal dari penyedia kerja. Sehingga kendala atau masalah yang Anda hadapi menjadi tanggung jawab pihak penyedia;
2. Lengkapi persyaratan. Masing-masing penyedia kerja memberikan syarat dan ketentuan berbeda. Jadi, pastikan Anda melengkapinya sebaik mungkin;
3. Isi dengan informasi valid. Informasi yang Anda serahkan pada lamaran kerja sebaiknya merupakan data-data valid untuk memudahkan konfirmasi dan penyeleksian;
4. Ikuti alur pengajuan lamaran dari pihak penyedia kerja. Untuk mencegah keterlambatan dan kesalahpahaman, selalu ikuti jadwal atau alur pengajuan dari penyedia lamaran kerja.
Berikut ini lamaran kerja terbaru yang dapat Anda pertimbangkan:
Lowongan Kerja Posisi Senior Software Engineer di
Adapun informasi perusahaan sebagai pihak penyedia tertera di bawah ini:
Informasi Tambahan Lowongan Kerja
Tingkat Pekerjaan :
Kualifikasi :
KYCH- Senior Full Stack Engineer
Minimum 5 years enterprise-level full stack development
KYCH is the global technology ecosystem for Hotels, focused on revolutionizing the archaic workflow that has plagued the industry for decades as well as introducing AI-focused systems to enhance every aspect of the Guest experience.
Our team includes Founders and Executives of most of the major Hotel brands including Four Seasons, Fairmont and Intercontinental. We are funded by several of the world’s most iconic investors as well as highly respected Silicon Valley investors. Some of our perks include:
- Exposure to world leaders at KYC events
- Dinners at restaurants like Gary Danko and French Laundry
- Penthouse tours of luxury Hotels
- Spa Days at luxury Hotels
Who We’re Looking For
Character: We’re a tight-knit team. Every one of us genuinely loves what we do; we love KYC and we’re in this to win for the right reasons- we want to create a happier world through happier travelers and yes, we each have our unique set of life goals that we hope KYC can enable us to achieve. Most importantly, we are a team that places utmost priority on mutual respect, kindness and empathy. We have zero tolerance for disrespectful and inappropriate behavior, crass language, laziness, lack of integrity, ageism, or any other kind of negative -ism you can think of. If you’re looking for the kind of infamous “perks” that come with some Silicon Valley companies like sponsored binge drinking, illicit behavior encouragement, “bro” mentality, cutting corners in your work- we are not the right company for you. We’re searching for decent human beings who believe in good old fashioned hard work and earning success through ethical behavior. We respect people who have strong beliefs but who can communicate their thoughts and ideas respectfully and thoroughly AND are humble enough to admit when they’re wrong or that a colleague’s method may be better.
Passion For Luxury Hotels and Travel: You must have a fundamental grasp of the business of luxury hotels and luxury brands or at the very least, have a huge desire to learn about this and be able to do so quickly by working closely with our CEO. You must love travel (though your position does not require traveling) and understand why travelers are willing to pay exorbitant amounts for certain luxury hotel and travel experiences.
Passion for Food: You must love food. If you don’t have a huge passion for food, you probably won’t get along with any of us.
Technical Stack
- VueJS
- PHP8
- Experience with MVC frameworks such as Laravel
- Experience with structured and non-structured databases.
- Test Driven Development
- DevOps experience a huge +
- AWS experience a huge +
- PWA expertise a huge +
- Minimum 5 years enterprise software building experience
Compensation & Perks
Full Stack Engineer: up to IDR 31,000,000 / month
- Work from home most of the time and avoid wasting your life in traffic. Our team meets an average of 2 days per month. The exceptions are 1) when you’re onboarding we’ll need to meet with you 3-5 days in a row and 2) when we’re onboarding a major client or releasing critical features, our Team may need to meet more frequently.
- On the days we meet, all meals we have together are paid for and we’re serious food lovers so we eat well. Parking (metered or garage) is reimbursed.
- Whenever we have social gatherings, your families (wives, husbands, partners, children, parents) are welcome and encouraged (event appropriate), hosted by us. Our style of “social” means:
- Dinners at restaurants like Gary Danko and French Laundry
- Penthouse tours of luxury Hotels
- Afternoon tea at luxury Hotels
- Spa Days at luxury Hotels
- Day Yacht Trips
- Overnight Trips at luxury Hotels
- Culinary classes
- For our Annual Summit, we fly you Business class.
- Stay in the world’s most awesome Hotels from mid-tier to luxury.
- One on one time with our CEO monthly so you gain a deeper understanding of the Hotel business; have the opportunity to grow as a leader (if this is of interest to you).
- Arguably the most important perk- genuine respect and caring from the entire team. We jokingly look at ourselves as Ocean’s Eleven; we’re a team of widely differing backgrounds, characters and areas of expertise who all share the vision of growing KYC into a world class behemoth and finding joy every step of the journey. Once you’re hired, you’re part of our family.
Pengalaman Kerja :
Jenis Pekerjaan : Full time
Spesialisasi Pekerjaan : Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi / 6281
Perkiraan Gaji : Rp 29,000,000 – Rp 31,222,900 –
Informasi perusahaan Pemberi Kerja,
Informasi Tambahan Perusahaan
Ukuran Perusahaan :
Waktu Proses Lamaran :
Industri : Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain :
Lokasi : Jakarta Raya
Setelah selesai mengajukan lamaran kerja, silakan tunggu pemberitahuan selanjutnya dari pihak penyedia kerja. Jika Anda ingin menanyakan informasi lebih lanjut sehubungan posisi ini, silakan kontak langsung ke perusahaan bersangkutan melalui kontak yang telah disediakan.
Apakah posisi ini bukan yang Anda butuhkan? Silakan teruskan penelusuran Anda untuk menemukan lowongan kerja yang diperlukan. Apabila ingin menanyakan sesuatu perihal website kami atau ketentuan mengunggah iklan lowongan kerja, segera hubungi kami. Dengan senang hati, kami akan membantu Anda untuk mengurusnya.
Demikian informasi lowongan kerja dari Lokerfavorit.com, untuk lebih lanjut dan melamar silahkan klik tombol “Lamar Sekarang” di bawah. Lokerfavorit.com berharap informasi ini dapat membantu kalian dalam menemukan pekerjaan impian.
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